Extra virgin olive oil is made simply by crushing olives and extracting the juice. It is the only cooking oil that is made without the use of chemicals and industrial refining.
It’s simply the juice of fresh, healthy olives which contains, more than any other grade, the health-promoting nutrients that olive oil is famous for.
It must be produced entirely by mechanical means without the use of any solvents, and under temperatures that will not degrade the oil.
It’s not easy to produce extra virgin olive oil. A producer must use fresh olives in good condition and monitor every step of the process with great care. Extra virgin olive oil doesn’t stay that way: Even in perfect storage conditions, the oil will degrade over time, so it’s important to enjoy it within its two-year shelf life.
Good Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is…
Look for pleasant fruit flavors characteristic of fresh ripe or green olives.
Ripe fruit yields oils that are milder, aromatic, buttery, and floral, while green fruit yields oils that are grassy, herbaceous, bitter, and pungent. Fruitiness also varies with the variety of olive.
Fresh olives oil will have a mostly pleasant acrid flavor sensation on the tongue.
A peppery sensation in the mouth and throat is a sign of abundant nutrients in good, fresh extra virgin olive oil.
“Olive Oil Times Special: Extra Virgin Olive Oil.” Olive Oil Times, Olive Oil Times, www.oliveoiltimes.com/extra-virgin-olive-oil.
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Salads, marinade, over pasta, for dipping, grilling, and in baking – the uses are endless!